The Year of the Lamb

According to the Chinese zodiac, 2014 is the year of the horse; in my house, it will be the year of the lamb. It’s funny, because I was idly reading through a Chinese zodiac prediction for myself (born in the year of the Dog, 1982) and it said I should eat less meat in the […]

Brighten Up Your Winter Blues with Fresh Citrus

Sometimes — usually between November and March — I think I was born in the wrong state. While I like looking at snowy landscapes, and the trees are gorgeous with their glistening winter coats of ice and snow, I’m happiest on days like this past Monday, when I can wear a hoodie to run my errands, […]

My Misadventures in Brining a Turkey

The main dish at the Fortune family Christmas dinner has been roast beef since my sister and I were old enough to begin appreciating the beauty of sleeping in on Christmas Day. Before that, when we were kids, Mom made finger sandwiches and crudites, and we spent the day grazing in between napping (to make […]

Chocolate Milk: Not just for drinking anymore!

As I work through the backlog of delicious goodies Ian and I acquired at the Maine Harvest Festival, I’m finding myself stretching my creative muscles, and it feels good. The BDN booth was next to a booth for Maine’s Own Organic Milk — MOO Milk for short — and they’re getting ready to debut their […]

Sick of turkey yet? Let me help.

I’m one of the lucky ones. The only leftover turkey in my fridge after Thanksgiving is what was plated and sent home with me by my mother and Ian’s mother after our long day of traveling to Windsor, gorging ourselves, traveling some more to Rumford, further gorging ourselves, and then completing our trip when we […]

Let’s Talk Turkey!

Thanksgiving roast turkey by

The countdown is on! Thanksgiving (or, for some, Thanksgivukkah) is less than two days away. I’ll be posting some helpful (and some not-so-helpful but entertaining) tips and links over at my Facebook page, from now until we leave for my mother’s house the morning of Turkey Day, so if you’ve got questions for me there […]